The primary objective of this consultancy is to unpack the GVBiE pillar of the wider GiE ToC through developing a brief GBViE ToC that is well integrated within the GiE ToC and develop an illustrative results framework for GBViE that aligns with CARE’s programmatic approach, including the creation of supplementary indicators that correspond to specific outcomes related to GBViE interventions. This framework will serve as a guiding document for country offices to know the results chain for reducing GBViE. It will also include all the indicators that can be used in GBViE programming to measure the impact and effectiveness of GBViE
Please click on the below link for full TOR and information
ToR- GBViE ResultsFramework final
Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 7 December ,2024 Prior 3 pm For any inquiries please send an email for: Ahmed.Akram@cef-eg.org
The applicant must be registered in the electronic tax invoice