Field Officer

  • Full Time
  • Cairo

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

About the Project

Refugees in Egypt tend to encounter particular vulnerabilities such as psychological trauma, limited opportunities, and risks to their safety. Therefore, since displacement persists over extended periods, efforts are shifting towards implementing sustainable solutions through more inclusive and holistic programs for both refugees and their host communities. In that context, CARE Egypt aims to achieve the goals for entrepreneurship by collaborating with UNHCR in order to increase impact and reach for economic prospects and self-sufficiency. The primary objective of the project is to empower refugees and host communities through promotion of sustainable entrepreneurship as a driver for social change through gap assessment and entrepreneurial development support as well as increased granting opportunities for forcibly displaced persons and host communities in Greater Cairo.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل.

كير مصر  لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص

Position Program / Unit Work Location Application Deadline
Field Officer Education and Youth readiness for future Program Cairo 21 Sep., 2024

Field officer G6 JD (Click here)