CARE International Egypt and UN Women organized an event on 6th December 2017 under the USAID funded “Women’s Employment Promotion Programme: safe and secure workplaces for women in the agriculture sector”.
Contract Signage Celebration for “Women Employment Promotion Programme” project Within the 16-days of activism to combat violence against women, this event was hosted at one of the project’s participants, namely Green Egypt pack house in Giza.
The project aims to provide the workers with safe environment, which will help them to Improve their living conditions, after benefitting from a series of vocational and soft-skills training.
As well as social and medical insurances and free safe transportation offered by the participating firms which helps protect women against sexual harassment.
Through fixed term contracts, women have secured monthly finance that flows into the local economy in rural areas.
Care Egypt has performed this project in Minya and Bani suef governorates, with Participation of Civil society organizations and communities.
The event was moderated by Ms. Engy Amin, UN Women Economic Empowerment Officer. Where the opening remarks were delivered by Mr. Jorg Schimmel, UN Women Egypt Country Office Director (a.i.), Mr. Brinton Bohling, USAID, Director, Office of Economic Growth, Director, and Mr. Amr Lasheen, Strategic Manager, CARE International in Egypt.
The event included a feedback of some of the participating firms’ on the return on investment through the participation with the project.
This included; Eng. Sherif Attia/Green Egypt, Eng. Hisham El Naggar and Ms. Hend Kassab/ Daltex; Eng. Mohamed Al Mohamady/ Blue Nile, and Eng. Ashraf Hafez/ Agriculture Investment and Development Co.
The event had also a performance presented by the project’s supported-gender advocate team; an art exhibition on combatting violence against women; release of short clips on harassment, hygiene, value of work and career advancement of women; a tour at Green Egypt pack house that employs 70 of the project’s trained women.
And lastly a tour at Green Egypt’s nursery that was established through the project’s support and hosts a number of 25-30 kids which secured retaining working mothers at the paid economy. USAID/Egypt CARE International in Egypt.