Psychosocial Support for GBV Survivors

Care Misr Foundation for Development is a civil institution registered in the Central Administration of Associations at the Ministry of Social Solidarity with the number “833 for the year 2018” and its address is 25 Asmaa Fahmy Street – Fifth Floor ( Plot No. 1 – Square Y ) Qesm 1st Nasser City, Cairo, Egypt, and that the institution is subject to the provisions of the law regulating the practice of civil work No. 149 of 2019.

CARE Egypt Foundation for Development is building on the legacy and expertise of CARE International in Egypt since 1954, by designing, implementing and managing development programs and projects aimed at helping the neediest communities in Egypt, by building strategic partnerships with the government sector, the private sector and the private sector, to help in Meeting the basic needs and improving the quality and standard of life in a sustainable manner and consistent with the culture, reality and the local and national context.


The Foundation focuses its interventions and designs its programs in the areas of economic and social empowerment of Egyptian women, developing and improving the educational environment, supporting the agricultural sector, especially small farmers, improving government performance and supporting confidence-building processes among development partners through the application of tools and methodologies for governance and social accountability, through investing energies and ideas And adopt initiatives that are in line with the development and improvement of the economic and living conditions of these communities to deal with addressing the root causes of poverty.


The Foundation is also committed to strengthening the role of the local civil society by including it as a partner in all the Foundation’s projects in a manner that ensures building its capabilities and enabling it to play the developmental role required in the government’s sectoral and geographical development plans and programs.


The Foundation works on extracting the most important international experiences in all areas of development, and presenting them in the local and national contexts, in addition to working to shed light and disseminate local experiences at the global level, in order to benefit from global experiences and present Egyptian development models to interested and actors at the global level.

Response PSS TOR – UNHCR 23.03

Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal  16 July  Prior 5 pm.; submission is only accepted via using the below form



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برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

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Consultancy for Baseline Study

A strong Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) sector serves not only as a base to support the most vulnerable and marginalized people’s basic needs and to build sustainable livelihoods and prosperous lives, but also to improve citizens’ involvement in societal decisions beyond and outside of elections. The involvement and capacity building of civil society actors plays a vital role in the achievement of several sustainable development goals, and the themes of participatory democracy and good governance, peace, security, and human development. The CSO sector is the main vehicle and driving force for active change towards improving the social and economic conditions of Egypt’s vulnerable and marginalized communities.


Egypt’s civil society capacity grew from 37,500 registered NGOs in 2012 to 50,571 in 2019, to 52,500 registered NGOs in 2021. However, the increase in NGOs number and funding is not necessarily matched with an increased impact on targeted beneficiaries and the broader community. Research and publications show that by the mid-1990s, Egypt boasted the largest CSO community in the southern global community, including the Arab world. However, at the same point in time, approximately a quarter of the NGOs registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs were in fact inactive. In addition, despite the large number of CSOs in the country, a fifth of Egypt’s population lives in poverty.[1]

In reality, current and future CSOs developmental role in Egyptian communities is facing challenges due to their fragile capabilities and their weak influence in their communities. The problem that was described by LaTowsky, Robert J. in his paper “Egypt’s NGO Sector” back in (1997) is still the apparent in 2022. LaTowsky’s extensive study of Egypt’s NGO sector in the past few years makes clear that “lack of financial resources” is not a chief impediment nor are the current laws governing the sector.[2] Even regulatory reform – while recommended on specific points – would not itself significantly strengthen the capacities of Egypt’s NGO sector to support specific target groups and catalyse community self-help initiatives. Rather, the sector’s priority needs are enhanced leadership, management development, outreach, new program models, mutual support and community organizing. There are many organizations that are keenly interested to develop and emulate such success; they are hungry for appropriate and effective new program models that address priority needs and publicly valued services. However, there are presently very few resources or organizations to support them. Their needs would be best served by periodic but sustained technical assistance and a consultative approach to management support in the context of specific program implementation over several years.


The Strengthening Civil Society Capacity on Local Development, Governance, and Women Empowerment (Benaa) project concept is to improve the internal CSOs organizations’ capacity and capability for enhancing their understanding, performance in project implementation  and provide them with needed tools regarding the local development , governance and Women’s empowerment , ensuring more involvement in the local development process and to promote governance and women’s rights, which will lead to better CSOs contribution to SDGs in the country and to end poverty and inequality among the less advantaged communities, with particular focus on women, youth and people with disabilities. The project will aim to transfer the main target group (CSOs) to learning organizations and hub for excellency in their area of technical focus. The proposed process for capacity building will ensures the sustainable involvement of all stakeholders and focus on two priority areas: local development and governance, and women rights and empowerment.


The project will work in four governorates out of these five identified governorates: Beni Suef, Fayoum, Luxor, Aswan and South Sinai.

[1] James G. McGann, The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law,

[2] LaTowsky, Robert J. Egypt’s NGO Sector. (1997) A Briefing Paper. Education for Development Occasional Papers Series 1, Number 4.

Baseline Study_ToR – Benaa Project

Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 13 July,2023 Prior 5 pm.; submission is only accepted via using the below form.

SASPEN Project “Sustainable Agriculture Service provision Enterprise Network in Egypt “

test 2

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برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

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Proposal Writing Training Consultant

CARE Egypt Foundation for Development (CEF) is a non-governmental organization registered by the Central Administration of Associations and the Federations of the Ministry of Social Solidarity under number “833 / 2018”. CEF is located in 25 Asmaa Fahmy Street – Fifth Floor (Plot No. 1 – Square Y) Qesm 1st Nasser City, Cairo, Egypt. The organization is subject to the provisions of the law governing the work of the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) No. 149 of 2019.

CARE Egypt Foundation for Development (CEF) is capitalizing and building on the legacy, expertise of CARE International in Egypt since 1954. CEF is designing, implementing and managing development programs and projects that aim towards improving living conditions and quality of life by responding to and addressing the main root causes of poverty, the highest needs of the poor and marginalized groups in Egypt in a sustainable manner that is consistent with the culture, reality and local and national contexts.

Information about SWoMo WPS Project:

The strengthening Women’s Rights Movements on the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda in three fragile contexts project in Egypt, Iraq and South Sudan is a 3-year BMZ-funded (through CARE D) project running from July 2022 through June 2025. This project supports women’s rights organizations to work with marginalized communities on women’s rights and gender equality in their respective countries as part of wider women’s rights movements, including on UNSCR 1325 and the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) agenda. This project understands women’ s rights movements to consist of women’s rights organizations (WROs) and marginalized groups of women and girls. The project will work with WROs both as implementing partners (Projekträger, or PT) and as Target Groups (Zielgruppen, or ZG). The term “project WROs” will be used to refer to both PT- and ZG-WROs. In Egypt, the project will directly target 12 WROs (2 PT-WROs, 10 ZG-WROs), 52 WRO staff, representatives and volunteers, 500 women and girls from excluded groups, and 30 decision-makers (5 national-level, 25 governorate level). Indirectly, the project will aim to reach 5,000 people in Egypt, 65% women and girls, and 35% men and boys. The project will work in Cairo, Giza, Qalioubia, Assuit, and Sohag.


In Egypt, CEF will work with two implementing partners (Projektträger, or PT) WROs: Centre for Egyptian Women Legal Assistance (CEWLA) and Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT). In Iraq, CARE Iraq will work with three PT-WROs: Women Empowerment Organization (WEO), Better World Organization (BWO), and Baghdad Women Association (BWA). In South Sudan, CARE South Sudan will work with three PT-WROs: Young Women Christian Association of South Sudan (YWCA), Women Empowerment Center South Sudan (WECSS), and Women Agency for Progress Organization (WAPO).


The role of CEF and the two CARE country offices will be to provide project coordination and organizational and technical capacity development, with a focus on the WPS agenda. In the course of the project, the eight PT-WROs will take on greater leadership and responsibility, supported by the long-term mentorship, coaching and technical assistance of CEF, CARE Iraq and CARE South Sudan.

Arabic TOR Propsal Writing Training Consultant

ToR Propsal Writing Training Consultant

Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal  9 July  Prior 5 pm.; submission is only accepted via using the below form

SASPEN Project “Sustainable Agriculture Service provision Enterprise Network in Egypt “

test 2

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برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

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Case Management Team Leader

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل

كير مصر  لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص

Position Grade Program / Unit No. of candidates  required Work Location Application Deadline
Case Management Team Leader 9 W.R. 1 Cairo 11 July, 2023

CM Team Leader Job Description (click here)

Field Supervisor

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل.
كير مصر لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص.

Brief about the project :

In response to recent economic crises and increasing malnutrition rates among women and children in Egypt, CARE aims to increase the economic resilience of impoverished men and women and improve the food security and nutritional wellbeing of 10,000 small-scale producer households through its She Feeds the World Egypt (SFTW) framework in the Beheira, Giza, Minya and Beni Suef Governorates. CARE will directly reach 65,000 women, men and children and indirectly benefit 325,000 individuals.

Through SFtW, women and their households will gain access to productive resources, assets, support, information and the confidence they need to improve theirs and their communities’ livelihoods and nutritional outcomes. In relation to this, quality food production and income generation efforts will be boosted to enable women and men to feed their families more nutritious meals, build savings, grow their businesses, and ultimately improve their health and nutritional wellbeing.

Position Program / Unit Work Location Application Deadline
Field Supervisor ANR Behira 11 July, 2023

Field Supervisor SFtW JD (click here)

طلب عرض اسعار اغنام واعلاف

تعلن مؤسسة كير مصر عن حاجتها لطلب عروض اسعار للاغنام العشرواعلاف بنظام الاظرف المغلقة  لمشروع الرزق للجميع(فرصة) بمركزى ببا والفشن بمحافظة بنى سويف للتفاصيل برجاء الضغط على اللينك ادناه لتحميل طلب عرض الاسعار بالمواصفات المطلوبة

طلب عرض اسعار اغنام واعلاف

يرجى العلم ان اخر ميعاد لتقديم عروض الاسعار هو يوم الاحد الموافق 2 يوليو 2023 قبل الساعة 12ظهرا على ان تقدم الاظرف الى ادارة المشتريات بالمقر الرئيسي للمؤسسة بالقاهرة



Project Manager

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Learning, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل.

كير مصر  لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص.

مشروع تحسين الظروف المعيشية لصغار المزارعين في مجال تجميع وتجفيف الطماطم

يهدف المشروع بشكل عام إلى تحسين ظروف المعيشة والعائدات الاقتصادية للإناث والمزارعين من أصحاب الحيازات الصغيرة

هذا ويعالج المشروع مشاكل الفقر والبطالة الريفية ، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على النساء. يساهم المشروع ايضاً بشكل مباشر في النتائج التالية لبرنامج التنمية الريفية :

زيادة دخل صغار المزارعين والعمال الذين لا يملكون أرضاً من دخلهم المتاح من عملهم في الزراعة.

دعم غالبية المستفيدين لاعتماد ممارسات زراعية أكثر أمانًا ونظافة في المناطق المحيطة بالمدن والريف.

دعم المزارعين و / أو المجموعات النسائية المهمشة لاعتماد اقتصاد تعاوني كوسيلة لتحسين سبل عيشهم والحفاظ على الهياكل التعاونية بعد انتهاء دعم المشروع

Position Grade Program / Unit No. of candidates  required Work Location Application Deadline
Project Manager 12 Education ANR Program 1 Cairo 11 June, 2023

Projects Manager JD (click here)

End Line Study Consultancy

Sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) is often exacerbated during humanitarian crises when the stability of the society is disrupted and the population is most vulnerable. Refugees are at an even greater risk as they lack the protection of their government and may have limited rights in their host countries. Sexual harassment is a pervasive problem in Egypt, which is currently affecting the more disadvantaged Syrian, African population. During the past years, Refugees women have reported instances of sexual harassment and physical violence in public spaces. In addition to other SGBV concerns such as domestic violence, early marriage, and exploitation of single and female headed households.


As of August 2017, 1,216 Syrian SGBV survivors were reported to UNHCR through the 3RP.  Domestic violence (intimate partner violence IPV) remains the most frequent form of SGBV, along with forced and child marriage for Syrian refugees. For Africans and Iraqis, the most types of SGBV that they are subjected to are rape and sexual assault, as per CARE’s case management system. The prevention and response strategy has been taken into account in this project’s design.

Since 2013, CARE International in Egypt has been implementing a holistic approach to address the problem of sexual and gender based violence among refugees. Through a combination of rights-based, survivor-centred, and community development approaches, CARE continues to raise awareness on the issue, enhance protection for individuals at risk, and support survivors who have faced various types of violence, exploitation, and abuse.


The Safety, Empowerment and Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Egypt is a 2 years project funded by CAREUS from August 1, 2021 through July 30, 2023. Areas of implementation are Greater Cairo, Alexandria, and Damietta.

The project primarily targets Syrian and Sub-Saharan women and children living in Greater Cairo and Alexandria, who are most susceptible to and affected by SGBV. It is estimated that approximately 65% of beneficiaries will be Syrian refugees and 35% will be refugees from Iraq or African countries. The project additionally aims to engage men and boys in its various activities. In order to transform gender inequalities that social, cultural, economic and political systems perpetuate. Following CARE’s Gender Framework which encompasses agency, relations and structure and in order to create real sustained change, both men and women must be engaged in a synchronized way to ensure that work complements and reinforces the positive changes aimed for.

TOR-End line BPRM 2023 

Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal  11 June  Prior 5 pm.; submission is only accepted via using the below form

End Line Study

End Line Study

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

Required documents to attach



GBViE MEAL Consultancy

Gender equality is the central organizing principle of CARE’s Vision 2030 and the heart of CARE’s programmatic and organizational ambitions and targets. Vision 2030 uses CARE’s Gender Equality Framework, which posits that gender equality can only be achieved through mutually enforcing efforts – by working on building the agency of women and girls experiencing discrimination or marginalization, changing unequal power relations, and transforming structures that prevent women and girls from fully realizing their rights or pursuing opportunities and resources. Recognizing where CARE can add most value and work with others to contribute to transformative social change, we will focus on the rights of women, adolescent girls and marginalized groups in three areas critical to achieving gender equality: eliminating gender-based violence, increasing women’s and girls’ voice and leadership, and equal access to quality education. Vision 2030 also mandates that GBV prevention and response are to be integrated within all six impact areas: Right to Health, Economic Justice, Climate Justice, Food Water and Nutrition Security, Humanitarian Action and Gender Equality.

As part of its role as lead on the global coordination of CARE’s GBViE work, including reflection, thought leadership, innovation, impact measurement, scaling, and learning in alignment with CARE Vision 2030, CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF) seeks to synthesize good quality data about the impact of CARE’s GBViE programmatic approach focusing on our most transformational programs and practices. This consultancy will support CEF to review, validate and reflect on the global GBVIE PIIRS (Program Information and Impact Reporting System) data, and to communicate our impact for learning, fundraising or advocacy purposes in various knowledge products.

CARE  Egypt looking for GBViE Consaltant to provide :

The purpose of the Impact Data Management Consultant is to ensure the MEAL requirements per the GBViE sub-impact area are fulfilled with a strong focus on impact monitoring, reach data and data visualization.

One important component of the consultancy is about validating the country teams’ reported data on the internal PIIRS platform, the CARE global platform for aggregated programmatic data from all countries, projects and initiatives in the world, compiling and managing the dissemination of information and data from the to the whole CARE teams to support effective decision making.

The Data Management Coordinator will work under the supervision of the Global Coordinator for GBViE based in Cairo, Egypt.

Please click on the below link for full revised TOR and information


Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal  28 May  Prior 5 pm.; submission is only accepted via using the below form

GBViE MEAL Consultancy

GBViE MEAL Consultancy

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

Required documents to attach


Admin Officer

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل.

كير مصر  لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص.

Position Program / Unit Work Location Application Deadline
Admin Administration Dep. Cairo 25 May, 2023

Admin Officer JD (click here)