Project Manager L’Oréal & UNICEF

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

لدى كيرمصر ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. ويعد تطبيق القيم الجوهرية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والتفوق ) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا ومختلف الجهات المعنية. كما تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع وقبول الأخر . بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل

كير مصر لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك  التزاما منا لضمان تكافؤ الفرص

Position Program / Unit Work Location Application Deadline
Project Manager Women’s Rights /Civil Society Cairo 16 July , 2024

Projects Manager Job Description (click here)

RE_Business Plan for Al-Mashghal (sewing workshop)

Objective of the Consultancy

CEF is seeking a qualified and dedicated consultant/team to develop a comprehensive business plan for the sewing workshop aimed at providing training to local Egyptian women as well as female refugees. As explained above, the primary goal of this initiative is to empower these women economically, enabling them to generate income to support their households. The business plan needs to include a marketing component as well as sustainability and scaling up component.

Please click on the below link for full TOR and information

ToR Business Plan Consultancy – Alex Bank_2024.07.03

Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 10 July,2024 Prior 3 pm For any inquiries please send an email for:

The applicant must be registered in the electronic tax invoice

RE_Business Plan for Al-Mashghal (sewing workshop)

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

Required documents to attach


Legal Awareness sessions for Refugees Cairo and Alexandria – UN

CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF):

Care Egypt Foundation for Development is a civil institution registered in the Central Administration of Associations at the Ministry of Social Solidarity with the number “833 for the year 2018” and its address is 25 Asmaa Fahmy Street – Fifth Floor ( Plot No. 1 – Square Y ) Qesm Nasr City 1st, Cairo, Egypt, and that the institution is subject to the provisions of the law regulating the practice of civil work No. 149 of 2019.

CARE Egypt Foundation for Development is building on the legacy and expertise of CARE International in Egypt since 1954, by designing, implementing and managing development programs and projects aimed at helping the neediest communities in Egypt, by building strategic partnerships with the government sector and the private sector, to help in meeting the basic needs and improving the quality and standard of life in a sustainable manner and consistent with the culture, reality and the local and national context.

The Foundation focuses its interventions and designs of its programs in the areas of economic and social empowerment of Egyptian women and girls, developing and improving the educational environment, supporting the agricultural sector, especially small farmers, improving government performance. As well as supporting capacity-building process among development partners through the application of different tools and methodologies for governance and social accountability, investing resources, and adopt initiatives that are in line with the foundation’s vision for the development and improvement of the living conditions of these communities and to address the root causes of poverty.

The Foundation is also committed to strengthening the role of the local civil society actors by including them as partners in all the foundation’s projects to ensure building their capacity and enable them to play the developmental role required in the different development plans and programs.

The Foundation works on extracting international experiences in all areas of development, and presenting them in the local and national addition to shedding the light and disseminate local experiences at the global level, in order to benefit from different global experiences and present the Egyptian development models to interested global actors.

Women’s Rights Program

The Women’s Rights (WR) Program is designed to empower underprivileged and marginalized women in Egypt who suffer from rights’ violation. The program’s goal is-by 2025-poor women in Egypt especially in Upper Egypt are empowered and enjoying a better quality of life, having attained their rights.

In order to achieve this goal, the program works with both the duty bearers in government and civil society, as well as rights bearers, women themselves, to address discriminatory attitudes and behavior towards women and girls.

The WR program works with the duty bearers to support their role to protect and uphold the rights of women, and also with the women to encourage them to understand voice and demand their rightful entitlements. The program works on three domains (agency, relations and structure) in order to empower poor women in Egypt to gain their rights. Through the focus on agency, women’s self-esteem and confidence are built, and women have increased financial independence to fulfill their potentials as productive and income-earning members of their households and society. We believe gender equality can be achieved when power relations within families are fair whilst tackling all forms of gender-based violence (GBV) within and outside the household, and structures like social norms or laws-particularly in the area of personal status, domestic violence- are reformed, passed and implemented fairly to everyone.

The program has three themes, which are:

  1. Tackling Gender-based Violence (GBV).
  2. Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment.
  3. Engaging Men and Boys (EMB).

Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence

For 2024, The project is anticipated to build on the results achieved in last year through the continuation of providing the refugee communities in Cairo, Alexandria, and Aswan with the needed support towards GBV prevention, enhancement of the adequate and timely case management mechanism including psychosocial support, housing, and hosting. CARE Egypt will continue to offer tailored demand-driven interventions to address the challenges faced by the refugees’ communities in the targeted areas. The project will aim to ensure that GBV survivors access quality and timely case management and utilize the tools and mechanisms provided by the project within the framework of availing legal, medical, safety, and psychosocial services in addition to addressing the root causes of GBV.

GBV survivors have access to quality case management, legal, medical, safety, and psychosocial services, and the root causes of GBV are addressed 

1.1 Women, Girls – Men & Boys gained knowledge and awareness of their rights and available services for GBV.

1.2 Women, Girls, men, and boys are aware and empowered to tackle and combat Gender-Based Violence issues.

1.3 Response Services & Case Management.

Objective of the Assignment: 

The objective of this assignment is to deliver Legal awareness sessions to refugees to provide attendees with basic information on their rights, specifically focusing on legal procedures regarding issuing legalized marriage licenses, divorce certificates, and birth certificates, as well as the legislation on sexual harassment, and legislation and reporting around cyber violence. Moreover, early marriage will be tackled from a legal perspective, especially in sessions that include male participants, as from CARE’s experience, it appears that fathers are often the ones who force their daughters into this harmful traditional practice.

After every session, pre- and post-evaluation surveys will be conducted, to evaluate whether attendees have gained knowledge on refugees’ legal rights, legal criminalization of early marriage, custody, and types of GBV. Sessions will be additionally followed by individual legal consultations to support survivors of GBV on a case-by-case basis.


Expected flexibility and availability to finish all sessions before the end of the task in July 2024. Consultants are expected to work in Cairo and Alexandria.

Cairo refers to Greater Cairo areas, and Alexandria could include delta and north coast governorates.

Scope of Work and Deliverables:

The consultant’s main deliverables are:

The consultant shall provide 6 Legal awareness sessions 4 at Cairo (2 for Females,2 for Males) and, 2 at Alexandria (1 for Females, 1 for Males) one-day sessions each will be attended by 25 participants to reach a total of 150 beneficiaries from refugee’s women and men in greater Cairo and Alexandria.

  1. The consultant shall provide material with the content of the legal awareness sessions. Content must be appropriate for women and men. It should be discussed with the project’s team and approved by CARE before conducting the sessions.
  2. The consultant shall provide pre- and post-survey to measure the change in participants’ knowledge of the content delivered. Pre- and post-surveys should be approved by CARE before conducting the sessions.
  3. The consultant shall Provide 1 report (15th of June 2024) documenting the process and results of the intervention. The report must include individual and collective results of pre- and post-surveys conducted measuring the change in attendees’ knowledge of refugees’ legal rights, legal criminalization of child marriage, custody, and types of GBV.

Kindly note that due to the unstable COVID-19 pandemic situation, workshops might be fully or partially online if needed.

Consultant’s Duties and Responsibilities

1-Meeting with the project team to discuss and agree on the content of the sessions and refine the work plan before the execution of the assignment.

2-Develop and conduct Legal awareness sessions raising knowledge towards their legal rights, legal procedures in the host country, and legal consequences of sexual harassment, early marriage, and FGM.

3- Generate 1 detailed report on the assigned date about conducted sessions.

4-Respect and ensure the privacy of all beneficiaries, and maintain a non-discriminatory attitude at all times regardless of ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and political affiliation.

5-Document successes and lessons learned as needed to be shared with the project team.


-All deliverable must be in Arabic.

-The consultant submits a detailed technical and financial proposal for Alexandria, north coast and Cairo online and offline.

Consultant’s Qualifications:

Knowledge and Expertise in the area of legal consultation preferably with refugees and displaced communities setting.

  • A Minimum of a university-level degree in law and Advanced knowledge and experience in the area of legal assistance for SGBV survivors and development studies. An advanced degree will be an added advantage.
  • Extensive knowledge and experience in the area of legal awareness sessions and Rights.
  • Extensive Knowledge and experience in providing legal awareness sessions.
  • Demonstrated experience in working with refugees.
  • Demonstrated experience in dealing with different cultures and backgrounds.
  • Demonstrated Knowledge and experience in gender issues, particularly SGBV.

Legal- TOR -No- 2024

An Electronic invoice is required

Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 31 July، 2024 Prior 11:59 pm.; submission is only accepted via using the below form.

Legal Consultancy - UN

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

Required documents to attach


Procurement Officer (Gaza Response)

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

Project summary:

The Supply Chain hub has been established to support the emergency response to the conflict escalation in Gaza strip. The main purpose of this project is to lead and facilitate provision of life saving assistance to those affected by conflict. The Supply Chain Hub hosted by CARE Egypt will be responsible for procurement and transport of humanitarian goods to support CARE Palestine’s Gaza Crisis, in line with CARE’s WBG Response Plan. All procurement passing through the supply chain hub will be in line with the CARE Gaza Response Plan and various donor and CARE Policy compliance. Prioritization of items will be based on current humanitarian needs, and shipment and procurement will be approved by the Emergency Response Director. CARE Palestine and CARE Egypt will ensure close coordination and collaboration throughout the procurement, warehousing, and transport process in consultation with the relevant stakeholders such as the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC), UN OCHA, LogCluster, etc.

لدى كيرمصر ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. ويعد تطبيق القيم الجوهرية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والتفوق ) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا ومختلف الجهات المعنية. كما تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع وقبول الأخر . بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل

كير مصر لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك  التزاما منا لضمان تكافؤ الفرص

ملخص المشروع
تم إنشاء مركز سلسلة التوريد لدعم الاستجابة الطارئة لتصاعد الصراع في قطاع غزة. الغرض الرئيسي من هذا المشروع هو قيادة وتسهيل تقديم المساعدة المنقذة للحياة للمتضررين من النزاع. سيكون مركز سلسلة التوريد الذي تستضيفه هيئة كير مصر مسؤولاً عن شراء ونقل السلع الإنسانية لدعم أزمة غزة في هيئة كير في فلسطين، وذلك تماشيًا مع خطة استجابة مجموعة البنك الدولي التابعة لهيئة كير. ستكون جميع المشتريات التي تمر عبر مركز سلسلة التوريد متوافقة مع خطة استجابة هيئة كير لغزة وامتثال مختلف الجهات المانحة وسياسة كير. سيتم تحديد أولويات العناصر بناءً على الاحتياجات الإنسانية الحالية، وستتم الموافقة على الشحن والمشتريات من قبل مدير الاستجابة للطوارئ. وستعمل هيئة كير فلسطين وهيئة كير مصر على ضمان التنسيق والتعاون الوثيقين في جميع أنحاء عملية الشراء والتخزين والنقل بالتشاور مع أصحاب المصلحة المعنيين مثل الهلال الأحمر المصري ومكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية التابع للأمم المتحدة وما إلى ذلك.

Position Program / Unit Work Location Application Deadline
Procurement Officer Gaza Response Cairo 13 July, 2024

Procurement Officer JD


SC Admin Assistant ( Gaza Response)

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

Project summary:

The Supply Chain hub has been established to support the emergency response to the conflict escalation in Gaza strip. The main purpose of this project is to lead and facilitate provision of life saving assistance to those affected by conflict. The Supply Chain Hub hosted by CARE Egypt will be responsible for procurement and transport of humanitarian goods to support CARE Palestine’s Gaza Crisis, in line with CARE’s WBG Response Plan. All procurement passing through the supply chain hub will be in line with the CARE Gaza Response Plan and various donor and CARE Policy compliance. Prioritization of items will be based on current humanitarian needs, and shipment and procurement will be approved by the Emergency Response Director. CARE Palestine and CARE Egypt will ensure close coordination and collaboration throughout the procurement, warehousing, and transport process in consultation with the relevant stakeholders such as the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC), UN OCHA, LogCluster, etc.

لدى كيرمصر ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. ويعد تطبيق القيم الجوهرية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والتفوق ) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا ومختلف الجهات المعنية. كما تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع وقبول الأخر . بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل

كير مصر لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك  التزاما منا لضمان تكافؤ الفرص

ملخص المشروع
تم إنشاء مركز سلسلة التوريد لدعم الاستجابة الطارئة لتصاعد الصراع في قطاع غزة. الغرض الرئيسي من هذا المشروع هو قيادة وتسهيل تقديم المساعدة المنقذة للحياة للمتضررين من النزاع. سيكون مركز سلسلة التوريد الذي تستضيفه هيئة كير مصر مسؤولاً عن شراء ونقل السلع الإنسانية لدعم أزمة غزة في هيئة كير في فلسطين، وذلك تماشيًا مع خطة استجابة مجموعة البنك الدولي التابعة لهيئة كير. ستكون جميع المشتريات التي تمر عبر مركز سلسلة التوريد متوافقة مع خطة استجابة هيئة كير لغزة وامتثال مختلف الجهات المانحة وسياسة كير. سيتم تحديد أولويات العناصر بناءً على الاحتياجات الإنسانية الحالية، وستتم الموافقة على الشحن والمشتريات من قبل مدير الاستجابة للطوارئ. وستعمل هيئة كير فلسطين وهيئة كير مصر على ضمان التنسيق والتعاون الوثيقين في جميع أنحاء عملية الشراء والتخزين والنقل بالتشاور مع أصحاب المصلحة المعنيين مثل الهلال الأحمر المصري ومكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية التابع للأمم المتحدة وما إلى ذلك.

Position Program / Unit Work Location Application Deadline
Admin Assistant Gaza Response Cairo 13 July, 2024

SC Admin Assistant CARE SC hub Gaza Response JD


Logistics officer (Gaza Response)

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

Project summary:

The Supply Chain hub has been established to support the emergency response to the conflict escalation in Gaza strip. The main purpose of this project is to lead and facilitate provision of life saving assistance to those affected by conflict. The Supply Chain Hub hosted by CARE Egypt will be responsible for procurement and transport of humanitarian goods to support CARE Palestine’s Gaza Crisis, in line with CARE’s WBG Response Plan. All procurement passing through the supply chain hub will be in line with the CARE Gaza Response Plan and various donor and CARE Policy compliance. Prioritization of items will be based on current humanitarian needs, and shipment and procurement will be approved by the Emergency Response Director. CARE Palestine and CARE Egypt will ensure close coordination and collaboration throughout the procurement, warehousing, and transport process in consultation with the relevant stakeholders such as the Egyptian Red Crescent (ERC), UN OCHA, LogCluster, etc.

لدى كيرمصر ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. ويعد تطبيق القيم الجوهرية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والتفوق ) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا ومختلف الجهات المعنية. كما تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع وقبول الأخر . بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل

كير مصر لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك  التزاما منا لضمان تكافؤ الفرص

ملخص المشروع
تم إنشاء مركز سلسلة التوريد لدعم الاستجابة الطارئة لتصاعد الصراع في قطاع غزة. الغرض الرئيسي من هذا المشروع هو قيادة وتسهيل تقديم المساعدة المنقذة للحياة للمتضررين من النزاع. سيكون مركز سلسلة التوريد الذي تستضيفه هيئة كير مصر مسؤولاً عن شراء ونقل السلع الإنسانية لدعم أزمة غزة في هيئة كير في فلسطين، وذلك تماشيًا مع خطة استجابة مجموعة البنك الدولي التابعة لهيئة كير. ستكون جميع المشتريات التي تمر عبر مركز سلسلة التوريد متوافقة مع خطة استجابة هيئة كير لغزة وامتثال مختلف الجهات المانحة وسياسة كير. سيتم تحديد أولويات العناصر بناءً على الاحتياجات الإنسانية الحالية، وستتم الموافقة على الشحن والمشتريات من قبل مدير الاستجابة للطوارئ. وستعمل هيئة كير فلسطين وهيئة كير مصر على ضمان التنسيق والتعاون الوثيقين في جميع أنحاء عملية الشراء والتخزين والنقل بالتشاور مع أصحاب المصلحة المعنيين مثل الهلال الأحمر المصري ومكتب تنسيق الشؤون الإنسانية التابع للأمم المتحدة وما إلى ذلك.

Position Program / Unit Work Location Application Deadline
Logistics officer Gaza Response Cairo 13 July, 2024

Logistics officer C-Pal JD

Legal Consultancy in Cairo & Aswan (EF)

Legal Consultancy TOR – Extra Fund

CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF):

CARE Egypt Foundation for Development, registration no 833 for the year 2018 at the Ministry Of Social Solidarity in Egypt. CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF) is an Egyptian, non-governmental organization harnessing the legacy of CARE International in Egypt since 1954 to fight poverty and improve livelihoods. We envision Egypt as a place where everyone enjoys economic opportunities, equality and social justice. We empower women and girls by sharing our values amongst the private sector, government and civil society.

Women’s Rights Program

The Women’s Rights (WR) Program is designed to empower poor and marginalized women in Egypt who suffer from rights’ violation. Its impact goal is: By 2025, poor women in Egypt especially in Upper Egypt are empowered and enjoying a better quality of life, having attained their rights. In order to achieve this goal, the program works with both the duty bearers in government and civil society, as well as rights bearers, women themselves, to address discriminatory attitudes and behavior towards women and girls.

The WR program works with the duty bearers to support their role to protect and uphold the rights of women, and also with the women to encourage them to understand voice and demand their rightful entitlements. The program works on three domains (agency, relations and structure) in order to empower poor women in Egypt to gain their rights. Through the focus on agency, women’s self-esteem and confidence are built, and women have increased financial independence to fulfill their potential as productive and income-earning members of their households and society. In addition, when power relations (families) are gender sensitive whilst tackling all forms of gender-based violence (GBV) within and outside the household, and when structures (social norms or laws) particularly in the area of personal status, domestic violence are reformed, passed and implemented, gender equality can be achieved.

The program goal:

To implement and strengthen prevention and response mechanisms for Sudanese refugees arriving in Alexandria, Aswan and Cairo by adopting a combination of rights-based, survivor-centred, and community development approaches.

To enhance psychosocial well-being and resilience among Sudanese refugees.

Objective of the Assignment:

The objective of this assignment is two-fold:

  1. CARE will continue to work with legal organizations to offer legal assistance to GBV survivors on a one-on-one basis, providing legal advice and attending court cases when needed. Legal services may also include legal counselling, filing police reports, issuing marriage or birth certificates, and filing for divorce or custody. 50 GBV survivors will benefit from legal services.
  1. Legal awareness sessions: Women will receive information about their rights, and on Egypt’s personal status law and applicability as Sudanese refugees. Sessions will include legal information on issuing legal marriage, age of consent, marital rape, reproductive coercion, divorce certificates, birth certificates, legislation concerning sexual harassment, land ownership, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), and other relevant topics raised by participants Scope of Work and Deliverables:

The consultant’s main deliverables are:

Legal sessions: The consultant shall provide offline awareness sessions to reach in total 120 beneficiaries, each group consists of 20 participants. b. The consultant shall provide a document with the content of the legal awareness sessions. Content should be approved by CARE before conducting the sessions. c. The consultant shall provide pre and post surveys measuring change in participants’ knowledge in the content delivered. Pre and post surveys should be approved by CARE before conducting the sessions. Analysis of the pre and post surveys will be done by the consultant and shared with CARE for reviewing and confirming. d. The consultant shall provide handouts to participants containing legal information to supplement the sessions. Handouts must be approved by CARE before conducting the sessions. e. Generate reports on each session conducted. Reports must include individual and collective results of pre and post surveys conducted measuring the change in attendees’ knowledge towards their legal rights, legal procedures in the host country and legal consequences of sexual harassment, early marriage and FGM.

2- Legal Assistance: a. The lawyer shall provide 50 cases with legal counseling, representation and action to SGBV survivors from the refugees’ population (the target is to be divided equally between Aswan and Cairo). b. The lawyer is expected to accompany SGBV survivors in filing police reports and court cases whenever necessary. c. Generate monthly reports and case studies. Reports must include updates and progress on each individual case handled by the consultant. d. The legal consultant is assigned to continue follow-up with extended legal procedures of the beneficiaries that takes time ahead the life span of the project.

An Electronic invoice is required Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 31 July، 2024 ; submission is only accepted via using the below form:

Legal Consultancy - EF

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استشاري متخصص في إعداد حقيبة تدريبية حول تعبئة الموارد

يهدف مشروع  “ارتقاء” لبناء قدرات 190 منظمة غير حكومية مصرية، ويتم تنفيذ البرنامج في 5 محافظات في مصر طبقا لاستراتيجيات عمل مؤسستي ساويرس وكير، حيث تحسين قدرة منظمات المجتمع المدني في مجال تخطيط وتنفيذ البرامج التنموية الفعالة القائمة على الأدلة العلمية بغرض تعظيم الأثر التنموي على المجتمعات المستهدفة من قبل الجمعيات الشريكة، وتسديد حاجات منظمات المجتمع المدني المستهدفة والعمل على خلق بيئة تمكينيه وتكاملية تدعم تلك المنظمات وتتيح لهم إمكانية التخطيط والتنفيذ لبرامج تنموية فعالة في المحافظات الخمس المستهدفة.

بنهاية سبتمبر 2025، يكون قد تم تعظيم تأثير البرامج المقدمة (لها صفة الاستدامة، والشرعية المجتمعية) من عدد 190 من المنظمات غير الحكومية عالية الأداء ((Hi-Per، والمنظمات غير الحكومية ذات الإمكانات العالية ((Hi-Po، والمنظمات غير الحكومية متوسطة الأداء (Med-Per)، والمنظمات غير الحكومية المصرية بشكل عام (النظام الإيكولوجي) في خمس محافظات مصرية.

كما سيسهم البرنامج بشكل كبير في دعم مجتمع مدني حيوي يتخذ من المجتمع شرعيته، ويعمل لخدمة المجتمعات المصرية الأكثر احتياجا وهشاشة.

الهدف العام للمهمة:
  • تصميم حقيبة تدريبية كاملة حول  موضوع   تعبئة الموارد  ( لمنظمات المجتمع المدني )
  • تقديم الحقيبه لعدد 30 مشارك حصلوا على تدريب مدربين عام لتاهيلهم لإعادة تقديم موضوع الحقيبه للمستفيدين

للتفاصيل برجاء الضغط على اللينك ادناه لتحميل الاطار المرجعى للمهمة الاستشارية

Consultant TOR Resource mobilization

يرجى العلم ان اخر ميعاد للتقديم يوم 7 يوليو 2024 عن طريق النموذج ادناه

يجب ان يكون المتقدم مسجل بمنظومة الفاتورة الالكترونيه

استشاري متخصص في إعداد حقيبة تدريبية حول تعبئة الموارد

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Final Evaluation

CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF):Care Egypt Foundation for Development is a civil institution registered in the Central Administration of Associations at the Ministry of Social Solidarity with the number “833 for the year 2018” and its address is 5 Asmaa Fahmy Street – Fifth Floor ( Plot No. 1 – Square Y ) Qesm 1st Nasser City, Cairo, Egypt, and that the institution is subject to the provisions of the law regulating the practice of civil work No. 149 of 2019.

CARE Egypt Foundation for Development is building on the legacy and expertise of CARE International in Egypt since 1954, by designing, implementing and managing development programs and projects aimed at helping the neediest communities in Egypt, by building strategic partnerships with the government sector, the private sector and the private sector, to help in Meeting the basic needs and improving the quality and standard of life in a sustainable manner and consistent with the culture, reality and the local and national context.

The Foundation focuses its interventions and designs its programs in the areas of economic and social empowerment of Egyptian women, developing and improving the educational environment, supporting the agricultural sector, especially small farmers, improving government performance and supporting confidence-building processes among development partners through the application of tools and methodologies for governance and social accountability, through investing energies and ideas And adopt initiatives that are in line with the development and improvement of the economic and living conditions of these communities to deal with addressing the root causes of poverty.

The Foundation is also committed to strengthening the role of the local civil society by including it as a partner in all the Foundation’s projects in a manner that ensures building its capabilities and enabling it to play the developmental role required in the governments sectoral and geographical development plans and programs.

The Foundation works on extracting the most important international experiences in all areas of development, and presenting them in the local and national contexts, in addition to working to shed light and disseminate local experiences at the global level, in order to benefit from global experiences and present Egyptian development models to interested and actors at the global level.

Education Program The objective of the Education program is to create opportunities for children, living in poverty in Egypt from 6-18 years, to enjoy their right to quality education and become empowered citizens in their communities with increased opportunities to realize their full potential and rights.

Barriers preventing the realization of this objective are many and are multi-faceted. Thus, the program adopts a multi-dimensional strategy that aims to tackle a multitude of factors contributing to the weakening of educational services in Egypt. It is believed that when improved household incomes, increased students’ exercise of leadership in households and communities, and access of all children to quality basic education opportunities are achieved together; simultaneously with changed norms, attitudes and behavior and effective policy regulation; the program objective will be achieved.

The program seeks to directly influence the quality of education provided by the schools through building the capacity of school staff (teachers, social workers, school administration, etc.), activating structures/mechanisms (board of trustees, student unions, teacher training units, child protection committees, etc.) that can guarantee sustainability of the interventions, improving the physical environment of schools (through renovation), engaging the community and other stakeholders in education (local NGOs, government partners, etc.), and supporting policy-makers in replicating successful models across the nation along with advocacy for policy change when relevant.

Project Brief:

Social entrepreneurship is an emerging phenomenon, defined as organizations seeking business solutions to social problems. Care Egypt with ILO aims to promote social entrepreneurship as a driver for social change, enabling target groups to transform social business ideas into sustainable enterprises.

Project objectives:
Objective: Social entrepreneurship promoted in local communities (Target groups outreach and selection)

Activity 1.1: Build awareness of target groups on social enterprises concept, and to promote social entrepreneurship to the broader community.

  • Activity 1.1.1: Conduct awareness social media campaign webinars and Facebook posts
    • Description: Conducting 6 webinars by Guest Speakers (once each month) to reach 3000 participants (at least 500 per webinar) about social enterprises concept, and promote social entrepreneurship to the broader community in the covered governorates. Also post 9 Facebook posts/short videos on social media channels with a funded advertising campaign.
  • Activity 1.1.2: Conduct an event to meet stakeholders for 1 day in a round table
    • Description: Participate and invite stakeholders to an event.
  • Activity 1.1.3: Offline outreach (participate in 3 events, university visits, youth centers, ICT clubs)
    • Description: Participate in 3 events to target 1500 participants (500 per event) through university visits and youth centers. Graduates and refugees will be reached through WFS and LHs.

Activity 1.2: Select youth champions in target areas for the SYBSE trainings

  • Activity 1.2.1: Identify through the online applications the most youth champions who meet the criteria.
    • Description: After beneficiaries fill out an online application, the applicants will be initially screened by CARE Egypt. Those who pass the initial screening will be interviewed by ILO certified trainers for the final selection. Interviews will be one-on-one online interviews prior to the trainings. The purpose is to identify existing knowledge, skills, and learning needs.
  • Activity 1.2.2: Selection of youth who will attend SYBSE trainings based on clear criteria through interviews, and training needs analysis.
  • Objective: Entrepreneurs developed their entrepreneurial skills and social enterprises formulated and established (Enterprise development trainings)

Activity 2.1: Implement SYBSE training

  • Activity 2.1.1: Implementing the Toe workshop for the SYBSE package demanded by the participants
    • Description: The 5 days training will be carried out by trainers accredited by the International Labor Organization for 1000 applicants. Each training is implemented by 2 ILO Certified trainers in 8 batches in the target governorates, 6 groups per batch (total 42 groups) using certified ILO curriculums.
    • Objective: Business running successfully (Business development support and post-training support)

Activity 3.1: Needs Assessment

  • Activity 3.1.1: Business Plan Analysis
    • Description: The needs assessment pillar will commence with an analysis of the business plans extracted from the trainings by the technical advisor on CARE Egypt’s team to determine the specific support individual and grouped beneficiaries might need. This will help create clusters from the beneficiary’s pool.
  • Activity 3.1.2: Clustering
  • Activity 3.1.3: Coaching and mentorship on business plans
    • Description: Assist the beneficiaries to prepare a business plan and evaluate its viability each trainer has to coach 10 beneficiaries (unclustered)/2 groups (clustered) for 3 hours each, total of 20 days.
  • Activity 3.1.4: Survey 1 (Online Community)
    • Description: Prior to designing and availing specific post-training support activities, a survey will be distributed among the beneficiaries to identify their top three areas in which they need support to disseminate material online.
  • Activity 3.1.5: Survey 2
    • Description: Prior to designing and availing specific post-training support activities, a survey will be distributed among the beneficiaries to identify their top three areas in which they need support (legal advice, financial planning, accessing exhibitions, marketing, etc.)

Activity 3.2: Community Building

  • Activity 3.2.1: Entrepreneurs’ Online Community
    • Description: Build a community online that will connect the beneficiaries with each other for knowledge sharing and mutual support. This community is based on the idea that gave birth to the social enterprise.

Activity 3.3: Resource Mapping

  • Activity 3.3.1: Consolidate available material and upload it on the entrepreneur online community such as legal or other related topics.
    • Description: Conduct a resource mapping activity to determine what resources and materials already exist that can be consolidated and availed to the beneficiaries through the online community such as legal or other related topics.
  • Activity 3.3.2: Determine Gaps
    • Description: Based on the materials available and the materials missing, workshops will be designed to address the determined gaps. This activity is necessary to ensure that the supporting activities that follow address the gap and the aspects missing and avoid replication of material and knowledge.

Scope of work: Below is the list of Main indicators intended to be measured by the final evaluation
Global indictor:
1)- # and % of disaster/crisis-affected people supported through/by CARE who recovered household goods, assets and/or income opportunities

2)-% of disaster/crisis affected people in areas of CARE responses who report satisfaction with regards to relevance, timeliness and accountability of humanitarian interventions.

3)-# and % of women who have increased capability to participate equitably in economic activities

Final Evaluation TOR -Updated Version

An Electronic invoice is required Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 03 June، 2024 ; submission is only accepted via using the below form:

Final Evaluation (#192)

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مزايدة بيع سيارات كهنة

تعلن مؤسسة كير مصر للتنمية المشهرة برقم 833 لسنة 2018 عن طرحها مزايدة  بشأن بيع سيارات كهنة وذلك طبقا لكراسة الشروط والمواصفات تسحب كراسة الشروط بقيمة 200 جنيه  من مقر المؤسسة اعتبارا من يوم الاربعاء الموافق 12 يونيو 2024

قيمة التأمين عن كل سيارة : 2000جنيه

اخر موعد لاستلام العطاءات هو يوم الخميس 27/6/2024 الساعه الثانية ظهرا

بمقر المؤسسة الرئيسي بالقاهرة 25 شارع اسماء فهمى-مصر الجديدة  الدور الخامس

مكتب المسؤل الاداري