CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF):
Care Egypt Foundation for Development is a civil institution registered in the Central Administration of Associations at the Ministry of Social Solidarity with the number “833 for the year 2018” and its address is 25 Asmaa Fahmy Street – Fifth Floor ( Plot No. 1 – Square Y ) Qesm 1st Nasser City, Cairo, Egypt, and that the institution is subject to the provisions of the law regulating the practice of civil work No. 149 of 2019.
CARE Egypt Foundation for Development is building on the legacy and expertise of CARE International in Egypt since 1954, by designing, implementing and managing development programs and projects aimed at helping the neediest communities in Egypt, by building strategic partnerships with the government sector, the private sector and the private sector, to help in Meeting the basic needs and improving the quality and standard of life in a sustainable manner and consistent with the culture, reality and the local and national context.
The Foundation focuses its interventions and designs its programs in the areas of economic and social empowerment of Egyptian women, developing and improving the educational environment, supporting the agricultural sector, especially small farmers, improving government performance and supporting confidence-building processes among development partners through the application of tools and methodologies for governance and social accountability, through investing energies and ideas And adopt initiatives that are in line with the development and improvement of the economic and living conditions of these communities to deal with addressing the root causes of poverty.
The Foundation is also committed to strengthening the role of the local civil society by including it as a partner in all the Foundation’s projects in a manner that ensures building its capabilities and enabling it to play the developmental role required in the government’s sectoral and geographical development plans and programs.
The Foundation works on extracting the most important international experiences in all areas of development, and presenting them in the local and national contexts, in addition to working to shed light and disseminate local experiences at the global level, in order to benefit from global experiences and present Egyptian development models to interested and actors at the global level.
Women’s Rights Program
The Women’s Rights (WR) Program is designed to empower poor and marginalized women in Egypt who suffer from rights’ violation. Its impact goal is: By 2025, poor women in Egypt especially in Upper Egypt are empowered and enjoying a better quality of life, having attained their rights. In order to achieve this goal, the program works with both the duty bearers in government and civil society, as well as rights bearers, women themselves, to address discriminatory attitudes and behavior towards women and girls.
The WR program works with the duty bearers to support their role to protect and uphold the rights of women, and also with the women to encourage them to understand voice and demand their rightful entitlements. The program works on three domains (agency, relations and structure) in order to empower poor women in Egypt to gain their rights. Through the focus on agency, women’s self-esteem and confidence are built, and women have increased financial independence to fulfill their potential as productive and income-earning members of their households and society. In addition, when power relations (families) are gender sensitive whilst tackling all forms of gender-based violence (GBV) within and outside the household, and when structures (social norms or laws) particularly in the area of personal status, domestic violence are reformed, passed and implemented, gender equality can be achieved.
The program has three themes, which are:
- Tackling Gender-based Violence (GBV).
- Women’s Social and Economic Empowerment.
- Engaging Men and Boys (EMB).
Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Host Communities in Egypt Project
For 2024, the project objective is to reduce GBV amongst refugee communities in Greater Cairo, Alexandria and the North Coast, while enhancing the community-based approaches. This will be achieved through the following strategy: this project will address Gender Based Violence protection issues facing the targeted population through social-cultural and economic empowerment interventions.
Through this project, CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF) will address the gap in GBV prevention and response, including providing a range of innovate approaches that both support the immediate needs of survivors as well as supporting longer-term changes through empowering women and engaging men to shift harmful gender norms. CEF proposes a one-year project that aims to create an enabling environment to change harmful gender norms, reducing SGBV, build the capacities of potential active participants to have a pool of actors and volunteers to enhance community-based protection approaches and to foster resources mobilization. The proposed project is anticipated to achieve the following results:
- Women, Girls, Men & Boys, are empowered to tackle GBV through gained knowledge and awareness on their rights and available services for SGBV
- Values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and practices shift to recognize Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) as unacceptable.
- Response Services & Case Management.
Objective of the Assignment:
The objective of this assignment is two-fold as the following:
- CARE Egypt is looking for professional psychiatrists and counselors that can provide individual psychosocial support/ counseling to 269 GBV survivors who experienced any type of SGBV incidents. Refugees traumatized by SGBV often have trouble making decisions and rebuilding their lives, so these sessions have trauma recovery as their main objective. This is in order to address their mental and social wellbeing by applying different tools and methodologies.
Pre- and post- tests should be conducted in order to monitor the knowledge and behavior of the survivors and to evaluate whether survivors have gained increased knowledge on GBV in general and psychosocial support in particular
Scope of Work and Deliverables:
The consultant’s main deliverables are:
- The consultant shall provide 269 SGBV survivors with individual psychosocial support/ counseling (The target is to be divided between Alexandria and Cairo). Exceptional cases could be considered to receive additional sessions after consultation with CARE’s project advisor.
- Professional psychiatrists and counselors are expected to hold 6 to 8 physical individual sessions with each SGBV survivor in accordance with his/ her needs; where the session duration ranges from 45 to 60 minutes with the provision of an average of 30 hours per week, which reveals 120 hours/ month; with maximum 8 sessions per day for each psychologist.
- The previously mentioned sessions for adults and children are to be delivered in the form of one-to one/ individual session. The consultant will determine this upon actual needs and in coordination with CARE’s project advisor
- The consultant shall provide pre- and post-surveys measuring the change in survivors’ wellbeing. Pre and post-surveys should be approved by CARE before conducting individual counseling.
- Generate monthly reports and case studies. Reports must include updates and progress on each individual case handled by the consultant. Reports must include individual results of pre and post-surveys conducted, measuring the change in survivors’ psychosocial well-being.
- Documenting the psychosocial session progress, including client history, therapeutic objectives, and interventions, through a preset file system by either the consultant with CARE.
- Schedule appointments with survivors upon referrals received from Case Management Supervisors and follow attendance of assigned cases.
- Provide attendance sheets for beneficiaries and the consultants providing the sessions.
- The capacity to request the psychologist to attend psychological sessions outside of their premises. EX: at CARE’s or friendly spaces or home visits for extremely vulnerable cases which is determined by the case manager.
- Send Technical and financial offer for 215 cases and for 54 cases.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Meeting with the project team to discuss and agree on the content of the sessions and refine the work plan for the execution of the assignment with CARE’s internal psychologists.
- Generate detailed report on each case including the pre- and post-tests’ analysis.
- Attend a monthly meeting with CARE Case Management Supervisor, Project Manager, and M&E unit.
- Respect and ensure the privacy of all beneficiaries, and maintain a non-discriminatory attitude at all times regardless of ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, and political affiliation.
Response PSS TOR – UNHCR
An Electronic invoice is required
Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 24 July، 2024 Prior 12:59 pm.; submission is only accepted via using the below form.