Prevention and Response to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence for Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Host Communities in Egypt Project.
For 2022, the project objective is to reduce GBV amongst refugee communities in Greater Cairo, Alexandria and the North Coast, while enhancing the community-based approaches. This will be achieved through the following strategy: this project will address Gender Based Violence protection issues facing the targeted population through social-cultural and economic empowerment interventions.
Through this project, CARE Egypt Foundation (CEF) will address the gap in GBV prevention and response, including providing a range of innovate approaches that both support the immediate needs of survivors as well as supporting longer-term changes through empowering women and engaging men to shift harmful gender norms. CEF proposes a one-year project that aims to create an enabling environment to change harmful gender norms, reducing SGBV, build the capacities of potential active participants to have a pool of actors and volunteers to enhance community-based protection approaches and to foster resources mobilization. The proposed project is anticipated to achieve the following results:
- Women, Girls, Men & Boys, are empowered to tackle GBV through gained knowledge and awareness on their rights and available services for SGB
- Values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviors and practices shift to recognize Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) as unacceptable.
- Response Services & Case Management.
Objective of the Assignment:
The objective of this assignment is to deliver Legal awareness sessions to refugees to provide attendees with basic information on their rights, specifically focus on legal procedures regarding issuing legalized marriage licenses, divorce certificates, and birth certificates, as well as the legislation on sexual harassment, and legislation and reporting around cyber violence. Moreover, early marriage will be tackled from a legal perspective, especially in sessions that include male participants, as from CARE’s experience, it appears that fathers are often the ones who force their daughters into this harmful traditional practice. After every session, pre- and post- evaluation surveys will be conducted, in order to, evaluate whether attendees have gained knowledge on refugees’ legal rights, legal criminalization of early marriage, custody, and types of GBV. Sessions will be additionally followed by individual legal consultations to support survivors of GBV on a case-by-case basis.
Please click on the below link for full TOR and information
Legal- TOR -UNHCR-2022
Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 22 March 2022 (prior 7 pm); submission is only accepted via using the below form