Baseline study Development of women’s hosting and guidance centers project

the “Development of Women’s Hosting and Guidance Centers” project aim to develop conditions and capacity building programs for two women’s hosting and guidance centers under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity in the governorates of Giza and Qalyubia, which enables both centers to provide some services as psychological, social, legal and economic advisory services dedicated to women in general and specifically, to GBV survivors. It also aims to empower women economically and skillfully through the implementation of income-generating projects for the two centers. Furthermore; the project also aims to raise the efficiency of the employees in the centers and to train the main supervisors who are responsible for the centers by the Ministry of Social Solidarity.


The project seeks as well to raise awareness of the surrounding community (men and male children) on the issue of violence against women, the mechanisms to combat it and ways to provide support. It also provides some entertainment and psychological support services for children.


Objective of the Assignment:

1: Base line study

In the project launch phase, the project need to conduct a baseline analysis study from March to April where the consultant/ consulting company will design standard tools for the baseline process to be conducted on the two hosting centers in the targeted communities. The tools will be quantitative and qualitative to collect information of the indicators before the project start and to describe the current community and institutional knowledge, attitudes and practices related to the issue of violence against women, mechanisms to combat it and ways to provide support

The consultant will be responsible for tools development, data collection, data entry, revision, validation, analysis, and final reporting of results.

The results of the study will provide the foundational basis on which progress in knowledge, attitudes and practices as well as changes in indicator values ​​during the project will be tracked. Base-line study will appear in some outcomes as, the training needs’ assessment of the board members and workers in hosting centers, then analyzing the institutional capacity measurement form to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each association and hosting center.

The consultant will be responsible for providing and using an effective statistical software for data collection) preferable to be Kobo toolbox)

The responsibility for data collection is depending on the consultant/consulting company and the budget must be allocated for this purpose. Statistical analysis must rely on several data quality assurance protocols such as the Data Collection Protocol, the Data Quality Assurance Protocol and the Data Analysis Protocol. In addition, an initial reflection session by the consultant after the completion of the data analysis to present the initial baseline results should be held with the project manager, the project field supervisor and the staff of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit prior to the submission of the report in order to generate lessons learned, recommendations and conclusions.


Thus, at the end of the project, the comparison between the baseline and the end-line study will help us explore the impact of the project on the development of the hosting centers.


Please click on the below link for full TOR and information

2022_tender_Women’s Shelters BL study TOR_


Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal  6 March  2022 (via closed envelopes ONLY), as mentioned in the TOR.

Field Officer

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل.
كير مصر لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص.

نبذة عن المشروع 

يسعى المشروع الى خلق مصادر للدخل للمستهدفين من خلال اقامة مشروعات صغيرة / متناهية الصغر فردية او جماعية  و عمل بعض نماذج سلاسل القيمة التى يمكن من خلالها توليد  مصادر للدخل ملائمة تمكن اصحابها من الوفاء بمتطلبات الحياة الأساسية، وتكوين مجموعات الادخار والاقراض بالإضافة الي بناء قدرات منظمات غير حكوميه بمحافظة بني سويف.

سوف يقوم المشروع بالتعاون مع جمعيات قاعدية بمركزى الفشن وببا  ومن خلال المشروع المقترح سيتم طرح بعض الأفكار المبدئية  لنقل الأصول والتى تم تطبيقها سابقا و أثبتت جدواها أو التى تم ربطها بفرص تسويقية مضمونة. قبل بداية تنفيذ اى مشروعات سيتم عمل دراسة أحتياجات للسوق المحلى فى كل قرية من القرى السبعة عشر لضمان عدم أهدار الموارد بعمل مشروعات ليس لها جدوى.

Field officer G 6 Job Description

Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt – BPRM _Psychodrama Training for Volunteers

CARE proposes a 2-year project to create an enabling environment to change harmful gender norms thereby reducing SGBV and increasing child protection with interventions targeted at the individual, family, community and societal level. SGBV forms targeted include intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, FGM, CEFM, and child sexual abuse and exploitation. Activities will follow CARE’s COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and will take place in person, if possible, strictly adhering to safety guidelines, or will shift to virtual and alternative implementation methodologies. CARE’s SOPs also ensure our programs uphold Sphere Protection Principles and Standards. A 2-year period is necessary to fully complete certain project components (i.e., livelihoods), further consult participants, and to build local authority capacities to take over the running of Women-Friendly Spaces.

Objective of the Assignment:

The consultant will train 40 volunteers on psychodrama to implement the training for women to explore topics around SGBV in Cairo and Alexandria. This innovative method combines art, music and drama to guide participants through phases of self-expression and inner reflection that works towards changing perspectives, managing behaviors and feelings, improving self-esteem and confidence, and ultimately leading to healing from their experiences. The technique has been used in previous CARE projects in Egypt with outstanding results, prompting participants to tackle sensitive and taboo topics, delving into the roots of problems, identifying violent situations they have been involved in, and dealing with emotions indirectly linked with their perspectives on violence.

Please click on the below link for full TOR and information


BPRM7_2022_Psychodrama training TOR


Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 9 Feb. 2022 prior 7 pm; submission is only accepted via using the below form


Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt - BPRM _Psychodrama Training for Volunteers (#21)

Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt - BPRM _Psychodrama Training for Volunteers

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

Required documents to attach


Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt – BPRM Baseline study 

CARE Egypt Foundation  is seeking the services of a professional consultant / consultancy firm in the field of monitoring and evaluation for an assignment with the objective of conducting a baseline study for the project. This study will act as a guiding document to all M&E activities for the rest of the project and will be a reference document as to which any further analyses will be compared.


Main Objectives of the baseline:

  • Assess the internal and external factors that may affect the project.
  • To generate recommendations to be used while implementing the activities of the project
  • To measure the baseline values of the indicators placed for the project’s overall objective and the below mentioned outcomes.

Please click on the below link for full TOR and information


final Baseline Study_ToR_BPRM7 2022


Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal   2Feb. 2022 end of day 7 pm; submission is only accepted via using the below form

Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt - BPRM Baseline study  (#20)

Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees in Alexandria and Cairo, Egypt - BPRM Baseline study 

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

Required documents to attach


Freelancing Relationships Supervisor

CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل.

كير مصر  لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص.

مبادرة تشجيع العمل الحر

هي مبادرة أطلقتها شركة مايكروسوفت مصر بالتعاون مع مؤسسة كير مصر للتنمية كشريك تنفيذي منذ 2021 للمساهمة في حل مشكلات البطالة للشباب المصري وتشجيعهم علي خلق فرص جديدة، وتهدف مبادرة تشجيع “العمل الحر” إلى العمل على سد الفجوة بين احتياجات سوق العمل وقدرات الشباب من خلال بناء قدرات الشباب وتنمية مهاراتهم التكنولوجية والرقمية وفقا لمتطلبات الثورة التكنولوجية

 مع صعود اقتصاد الوظائف المؤقتة ، يتحدث الناس عن العمل الحر أكثر وهذا بسبب وجود عدد أكبر من العاملين المستقلين اليوم أكثر من أي وقت مضى

تقوم مبادرة تشجيع “العمل الحر” بمساعدة الشباب من الجنسين بتعزيز القدرات واكتساب المهارات من أجل فهم سوق العمل الحر ومعرفة الوظائف الممكنة والمنصات التي تسهل عمليات الحصول على وظائف العمل الحر، حيث يوفر العمل الحر الكثير من المرونة والتحكم للفرد. ويمكن الشباب من العمل لحسابهم الخاص، ومعرفة العمل الذي يقومون به، والعملاء الذين يعملون معهم، بل وقد يكونون قادرين على العمل عن بُعد

Freelancing Relationships Supervisor Job Description


CARE Egypt welcomes applications for the following position(s) from motivated and committed professionals seeking to improve the conditions of the poor and marginalized, and those with strong core values and vision. CARE conceptualizes diversity in the broadest sense, going beyond regular classifications of gender, race, and nationality. CARE has a prevailing culture that mandates the principles and practice of equal employment opportunity and excellence through diversifying its workforce in a way that strengthens the overall organization and ensures gender equity. Applying the core values (Transformation, Integrity, Diversity, Equality and Excellence) is of the main strengths either among the staff or with our partners and stakeholders. Additionally, CARE values the global Child Protection policies and strictly apply all its related measures to ensure that our staff, programs and operations ‘Do No Harm’ to children.

CARE has an excellent compensation and benefit package, with good career and staff development opportunities. CARE strongly encourages applications from women, and people with special needs as Care is an equal opportunity employer.

تتبنى كير مصر مفهوم التنوع في أوسع معانيه ، وتتجاوز التصنيفات العادية للجنس والعرق والجنسية. لدى كير ثقافة سائدة تفرض مبادئ وممارسات تكافؤ فرص العمل والتميز من خلال تنويع قوتها العاملة بطريقة تقوي المنظمة ككل وتضمن المساواة بين الجنسين. يعد تطبيق القيم الأساسية (التعلم والنزاهة والتنوع والمساواة والامتياز) من نقاط القوة الرئيسية سواء بين الموظفين أو مع شركائنا وأصحاب المصلحة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تقدر كير سياسات حماية الطفل العالمية وتطبق بصرامة جميع التدابير ذات الصلة لضمان أن موظفينا وبرامجنا وعملياتنا “لا تؤذي الأطفال”. تطبق كير مصر سياسة عدم التسامح مطلقا تجاه سوء المعاملة والاستغلال الجنسي أو التحرش في مكان العمل.

كير مصر  لديها حزمة مزايا ممتازة ، مع فرص تطوير وظيفي جيدة للموظفين. وتشجع بشدة الطلبات المقدمة من النساء والأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة وذلك تطبيقا لتكافؤ الفرص.

مشروع طور وغير

هو مبادرة أطلقتها شركة مايكروسوفت مصر بالتعاون مع وزارة الشباب الرياضة منذ 2012 وأنضمت لها وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات في 2015 وتقوم مؤسسة كير مصر للتنمية بتنفيذه من خلال الشراكة مع شركة مايكروسوفت مصر منذ يوليو 2019 علماً بأن التوسع في المشروع سيستمر حتي 30 يونيو 2024 للمساهمة في حل مشكلات البطالة والأمية الرقمية للشباب المصري، وذلك من خلال توفير نظام متكامل يجمع بين التدريب والتأهيل وبناء القدرات والتوظيف. يهدف مشروع “طور وغير” إلى العمل على سد الفجوة بين احتياجات سوق العمل وقدرات الشباب من خلال بناء قدرات أكثر من 5 مليون من الشباب وتنمية مهاراتهم التكنولوجية والرقمية وفقا لمتطلبات الثورة التكنولوجية كما يتم تقديم الاستشارات المهنية وخدمات التدريب إلى جانب تشجيع ريادة الأعمال وتبني الأفكار الابتكارية .

 يقوم مشروع “طور وغير” بتنفيذ نموذج متكامل من أجل مساعدة الشباب من الجنسين على اكتساب المعارف والمهارات وإتاحة فرص حقيقية تساعدهم على تحقيق أهدافهم وفهم سوق العمل بشكل جيد، وذلك بعدة طرق بدءًا من توفير خدمات التوجيه والارشاد الوظيفي للتعرف علي الفرص والوظائف المتاحة ومساعدة الشباب للتخطيط لمستقبلهم المهني وكذا التعرف علي البرامج التدريبية المتاحة حيث يقـدم المشروع مجموعة متنـوعة وشـاملة من التدريبـات المتخصصـة في العديد من المجالات ذات الصلة بسوق العمل المصري ، لتنمية مهارات الشباب وتطوير قدراتهم وتأهيلهم لسوق العمل والمنافسة فيه بقوة  وبعد أن يتم تمكين الشباب يتم ربطهم بأصحاب الأعمال بسوق العمل وتوفير فرص عمل لائقة بما يتناسب مع خبراتهم ومهاراتهم التي تم إكتسابها.

Webmaster Job Description

استشاري للتدريب علي نموذج المشاركة /الرقابة المجتمعية

اسم المشروع : استعداد منظمات المجتمع المدني للصندوق الأخضر للمناخ – التركيز على أفريقيا

يسعى المشروع إلى تعزيز استعداد المجتمع المدني ومشاركته مع الصندوق في البلدان الحالية والجديدة من خلال تعزيز قدرات منظمات المجتمع المدني الحالية للدعوة إلى مقترحات طموحة في مجالات التخفيف والتكيف / الحد من مخاطر الكوارث  من خلال اكتساب دعم مجتمعي أوسع وزيادة مساءلة أصحاب السلطة على المستوى القومى من خلال  تعزيز آليات الرقابة والتقييم التشاركى بقيادة منظمات المجتمع المدني.

الهدف العام :


يهدف هذا المشروع الى دعم المجتمع المدنى ليكون له دورا بارزا في دعم خطط الدول الأعضاء والسياسات الداعمة للتكيف مع التغيرات المناخية

في اطار انشطه المشروع ، ترغب المؤسسه بالاستعانه باستشاري /هيئة استشاريه لتنفيذ المهمه.

الهدف من المهمة الاستشارية:

زيادة معارف ومهارات المشاركين حول مفاهيم المساءلة الاجتماعية وأدواتها مع التركيز على نموذج المشاركة / الرقابة المجتمعية وتطبيقاته العملية بواسطة مجموعات الشباب.

من خلال تصميم برنامج تدريبي يساعد مجموعات الشباب ممن لديها القدرات والمهارات لتطوير عمليات المشاركة/ الرقابة المجتمعية تؤدي بدورها إلى إرساء قواعد وممارسات المساءلة الاجتماعية وتعزيز دور المجتمع المدني في ترشيد الموارد وتعظيم عوائد التنمية بالشراكة مع مختلف الأطراف المعنية من أجل تحقيق الصالح العام

للمزيد من  المعلومات ، برجاء الضغط علي الرابط ادناه


consultancy_ANR_Jan 17 2022

الموعد النهائي للتقديم موعد أقصاه( 23 يناير 2022 ) (قبل الساعة  6 مساءا) ، وأن طريقة التقديم الرسمية الوحيدة هي من خلال  النموذج ادناه

استشاري للتدريب علي نموذج المشاركة /الرقابة المجتمعية (#19)

استشاري للتدريب علي نموذج المشاركة /الرقابة المجتمعية

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

Required documents to attach


BPRM_ Psychosocial awareness sessions, psychosocial groups and individual counseling for Refugees

With an overall objective of Refugees and vulnerable host community members, especially women and children, have improved protection in Greater Cairo, Damietta and Alexandria project, the four expected outcomes for this project are:


1) Women and girls gained knowledge and awareness on their rights and available services for SGBV

2) Values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and practices (individuals and communities) shift to recognize VAWC as unacceptable.

3) Schools, community schools and civil society organizations (Duty Bearers) promote and recognize gender equality, child protection and respect for all.

4) SGBV survivors access immediate response and protective services

Objective of the Assignment:

The objective of this assignment is three-fold:

1- Within the framework of the project’s first outcome, the consultant will conduct several psychosocial informative sessions around sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), its definition, forms, effects, and treatment using a psychosocial approach to reach in total 200 beneficiaries (the target is to be divided between Alexandria and Damietta “40 Women, 20 men and 40 adolescent girls” and Cairo “40 Women, 20 Men and 80 adolescent Girls) Through 10-12 awareness sessions conducted in with 15:20 participants.

The sessions should also cover types of SGBV, trauma and PTSD, resiliency, a sense of isolation, emotional awareness, as well as managing emotions, anger, and memories. When addressing SGBV and child protection issues, there is a need for building long-term relations with the community. Through these sessions women will know and understand SGBV, child protection causes and effects, and will be aware of available services. After every session, pre- and post- evaluation surveys will be conducted in order to evaluate whether attendees have gained the desired knowledge.


2- With-in the framework of the project’s first outcome, the consultant will identify SGBV survivors from the psychosocial informative sessions and from the individual counseling sessions conducted in need of psychosocial support in a group setting to reach in total 60 beneficiaries the target is to be divided equally between “Alexandria and Damietta” and “Cairo” through form and conduct 4  psychosocial support groups each group from 6 to 8 sessions, each group with a minimum of 15 participants. Professional psychiatrists and counselors are requested to facilitate psychosocial support in a group setting. The therapy group should be much like a family in which members gain a sense of belonging and acceptance, they share feelings and experiences which help them relieve pain, guilt and stress. Members should be able to share their strengths and help others in the group, which can boost self-esteem and confidence. By interacting with other people and receiving feedback from the group and the therapist, each individual can gain a greater understanding of himself or herself, explore how childhood experiences contributed to personality and behaviors. They can also learn to avoid behaviors that are destructive or unhelpful for them. Studies have shown that group therapy can be an effective treatment choice for depression and traumatic stress. In each session, a presentation on a specific topic will be conducted followed by small sharing groups where each participant will get the chance to share concerns among the group. Small groups are to be organized with two facilitators to ensure a peaceful session. Participants will agree on the rules of the group sessions such as respecting confidentiality, committing to attend all sessions, and reserving judgment.


3- Within the framework of the project’s fourth outcome, CARE Egypt is looking for professional psychiatrists and counselors that can provide individual psychosocial support/ counseling to refugees who experienced any type of SGBV incidents. Refugees traumatized by SGBV often have trouble making decisions and rebuilding their lives, so these sessions have trauma recovery as their main objective. Psychosocial support around wellbeing is also a key component to identify and address SGBV among Syrian and non-Syrian refugee communities.


Consultants will be expected to work in Alexandria, Damietta and Cairo in certain areas that will be defined.


Please click on the below link for full TOR and information


CEF – PSS Consultancy – TOR -BPRM


Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal is (9 Jan. 2022) prior 5 pm), Financial proposal should include Taxes). , to be submitted in one closed envelop which contains two closed envelopes (one financial and one technical) to CARE Egypt office located in 25 Asmaa Fahmy street , writing on the envelope:  the Safety, Empowerment and Protection for Syrian and non-Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Egypt project , Psychosocial awareness sessions, psychosocial groups and individual counseling for Refugees – call for proposal.

BPRM-Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Sessions for Refugees and Host Communities in Egypt Alexandria, Damietta and Cairo

With an overall objective of Refugees and vulnerable host community members, especially women and children, have improved protection in Greater Cairo, Damietta and Alexandria project, the four expected outcomes for this project are:


1) Women and girls gained knowledge and awareness on their rights and available services for SGBV

2) Values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and practices (individuals and communities) shift to recognize VAWC as unacceptable.

3) Schools, community schools and civil society organizations (Duty Bearers) promote and recognize gender equality, child protection and respect for all.

4) SGBV survivors access immediate response and protective services



Objective of the Assignment:


The objective of this assignment is three-fold: Within the framework of the project’s first outcome, sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and family planning awareness sessions will be provided to attendees. Presented to women, men and teenage girls separately, these sessions will present accurate information and allow women, men and girls to ask questions in a comfortable environment. These will encourage participants to speak openly on sexual and reproductive health including menstruation, family planning, and use of contraceptives. They will also be used to introduce the available medical services in Greater Cairo, Damietta and Alexandria for SGBV survivors, particularly in relation to the medical consequences associated with sexual and physical violence, and the 72-hour time frame for responding to rape incidents. Issues such as FGM will be addressed, particularly among Sub-Saharan refugees who often practice this procedure. The health consequences of early/child marriage will be addressed to young girls, boys and parents, creating safe spaces for participants to learn and ask questions. Sessions will tackle sexual and reproductive health topics, such as, sexually transmitted diseases, in order to equip girls with knowledge and skills to avoid early pregnancy, maternal mortality, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.


Consultants will be expected to work in Alexandria and Damietta as well as Cairo in certain areas that will be defined.


Please click on the below link for full TOR and information


CEF – SRH Consultancy – TOR_BPRM


Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal is (6 Jan. 2022) prior 7 pm), Financial proposal should include Taxes). , to be submitted via  below  application ONLY

BPRM_ Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Sessions for Refugees and Host Communities in Egypt Alexandria, Damietta and Cairo(#18)

BPRM_ Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Sessions for Refugees and Host Communities in Egypt ,  Alexandria, Damietta and Cairo

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

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BPRM_Legal Consultation, Representation and Awareness Sessions for Refugees (Greater Cairo, Alexandria and Damietta)

With an overall objective of Refugees and vulnerable host community members, especially women and children, have improved protection in Greater Cairo, Damietta and Alexandria project, the four expected outcomes for this project are:


1) Women and girls gained knowledge and awareness on their rights and available services for SGBV

2) Values, beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and practices (individuals and communities) shift to recognize VAWC as unacceptable.

3) Schools, community schools and civil society organizations (Duty Bearers) promote and recognize gender equality, child protection and respect for all.

4) SGBV survivors access immediate response and protective services



Objective of the Assignment:


The objective of this assignment is two-fold:


1- Within the framework of the project’s first outcome(1-1) , legal sessions will be provided to attendees  (Alexandria, Damietta and Cairo) with basic information on their legal rights. Sessions will specifically focus on refugee status/immigration status, legal procedures regarding issuing legalized marital licenses, divorce certificates, and birth certificates, and on the legislation concerning sexual harassment. Moreover, early marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM) will be tackled from a legal perspective. After every session, pre- and post- evaluation surveys will be conducted in order to evaluate whether attendees have gained the desired knowledge.


2- Within the framework of the project’s fourth outcome(3-4) , CARE Egypt is looking for a legal entity that can provide Legal Assistance through its lawyers to refugees who experienced any type of SGBV incidents.


Consultants will be expected to work in Alexandria and Damietta as well as Cairo in certain areas that will be defined.


Please click on the below link for full TOR and information

CEF – Legal Consultancy – TOR – BPRM


Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal is (6 Jan. 2022) prior 7 pm), Financial proposal should include Taxes). , to be submitted via  below  application ONLY

BPRM_ Legal Consultation, Representation and Awareness Sessions for Refugees Greater Cairo ,Alexandria and Damietta (#17)

BPRM_Legal Consultation, Representation and Awareness Sessions for Refugees (Greater Cairo, Alexandria and Damietta)

 Please answer all required questions.

برجاء ملئ المعلومات المطلوبة أدناه

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