the “Development of Women’s Hosting and Guidance Centers” project aim to develop conditions and capacity building programs for two women’s hosting and guidance centers under the supervision of the Ministry of Social Solidarity in the governorates of Giza and Qalyubia, which enables both centers to provide some services as psychological, social, legal and economic advisory services dedicated to women in general and specifically, to GBV survivors. It also aims to empower women economically and skillfully through the implementation of income-generating projects for the two centers. Furthermore; the project also aims to raise the efficiency of the employees in the centers and to train the main supervisors who are responsible for the centers by the Ministry of Social Solidarity.
The project seeks as well to raise awareness of the surrounding community (men and male children) on the issue of violence against women, the mechanisms to combat it and ways to provide support. It also provides some entertainment and psychological support services for children.
Objective of the Assignment:
1: Base line study
In the project launch phase, the project need to conduct a baseline analysis study from March to April where the consultant/ consulting company will design standard tools for the baseline process to be conducted on the two hosting centers in the targeted communities. The tools will be quantitative and qualitative to collect information of the indicators before the project start and to describe the current community and institutional knowledge, attitudes and practices related to the issue of violence against women, mechanisms to combat it and ways to provide support
The consultant will be responsible for tools development, data collection, data entry, revision, validation, analysis, and final reporting of results.
The results of the study will provide the foundational basis on which progress in knowledge, attitudes and practices as well as changes in indicator values during the project will be tracked. Base-line study will appear in some outcomes as, the training needs’ assessment of the board members and workers in hosting centers, then analyzing the institutional capacity measurement form to find out the strengths and weaknesses of each association and hosting center.
The consultant will be responsible for providing and using an effective statistical software for data collection) preferable to be Kobo toolbox)
The responsibility for data collection is depending on the consultant/consulting company and the budget must be allocated for this purpose. Statistical analysis must rely on several data quality assurance protocols such as the Data Collection Protocol, the Data Quality Assurance Protocol and the Data Analysis Protocol. In addition, an initial reflection session by the consultant after the completion of the data analysis to present the initial baseline results should be held with the project manager, the project field supervisor and the staff of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit prior to the submission of the report in order to generate lessons learned, recommendations and conclusions.
Thus, at the end of the project, the comparison between the baseline and the end-line study will help us explore the impact of the project on the development of the hosting centers.
Please click on the below link for full TOR and information
2022_tender_Women’s Shelters BL study TOR_
Deadline for sending the technical and financial proposal 6 March 2022 (via closed envelopes ONLY), as mentioned in the TOR.